sign of the times

  AFI Branding       15th May, 2020
why signage has never been so important

If there’s one thing that’s certain in 2020, it’s that there’s a whole lot of uncertainty out there. Basic rules, social norms and protocols are changing on a weekly, if not, daily basis. So, as we navigate this changing landscape together, what role does signage play?

Signage traditionally fulfils a number of roles; from marketing functions like brand awareness and recognition through to directional and wayfinding. 2020 sees people looking, more than ever, to signage for direction, information and guidance. Whether it's how many people are allowed in store, entry restrictions to a business or where to sanitise your hands, we are actively seeking certainty and guidance as the way we interact with businesses evolves.

So information we should provide then, right? Well, yes and no. As with our inboxes, there is risk of over-communicating with signage too. The danger is, that we bombard our target audiences with everything we want to say – hoping that something will stick. More often than not, this results in further confusion or no interaction with signage at all…because it's all a bit hard. Resulting in a confused, frustrated end-user and a potential lack of regard for the current protocols. And right now, we need to ensure that signage is being understood and adhered to more than ever.

choose your sign

Then consider the best signage for the brief – pull-up banners, lightboxes, flags, a-frames, floor / wall / door decals…there are huge possibilities so select the best tool for the job. The answer isn’t always the bigger, the better or the more the merrier. How can you most effectively deliver your message?

Consider lightboxes or Reframe signage where messaging can be simply and cost-effectively updated and the signage can continue to be used in-store or at your business...long after new protocols settle.


And once you’ve got your informative signage sorted – think about your customer and what they want to hear. Now is a perfect time to use signage to inspire, give hope and be the light that we’re all looking for. Whether that’s through new campaign images, inspirational product shots or positive and uplifting messages, now is a great time to connect with your audiences on an emotive level. Show them what life could look like on the other side of all this – and where your brand fits. Think about how you can build your brand through engagement…and with social distancing in place, where better to start than signage 😉

show me a sign

If you need signage or want to chat to our team of signage experts about solutions for your business then get in touch today. We're here to help.